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Skin Rejuvenation

Skin Rejuvenation utilizes advanced technologies to diminish the signs of aging - from early wrinkles and age spots to deep lines and skin pigmentation.  Sheila's offers several rejuvenation methods including the Photorejuvenation, Laser Skin Tightening, and  Rejuvalight



Rejuvalight: Wrinkle Eraser Light

Single session, $80
Series of 6, $432

What results can I expect?

  • Healthier circulation
  • Increased oxygenation
  • Softening of lines
  • Softening of folds
  • Increased inner skin firmness
  • Superb skin radiance
  • Accelerates skin repair
  • Promotes faster healing after sports injury or post-operative
  • Delivers a healthy glow resulting from total skin rejuvenation

Is the Rejuvalight Treatment a good complement to other skin care treatments?
Yes. As the skin care treatment beautifies the skin's surface, the Rejuvalight strengthens and rejuvenates from within. Together, these treatments can deliver remarkable inner/outer results.

How long can I expect my results to last?
To enjoy lasting and cumulative results, maintenance treatments and an effective home skin care regimen are very important and great determining factors.

What are the benefits to the Rejuvalight Treatment?

  • Increased circulation
  • Greater use of nutritional elements existing within the skin
  • Better cellular use of oxygen existing within the skin
  • Restoration of skin's natural cellular activity
  • Encourages a natural chemical reaction within the skin, uniting Hydrogen and Oxygen to create moisture
  • Promotes collagen production leading to a more youthful skin
Is the Rejuvalight Treatment process abrasive or painful?
No. It is a gentle, painless and safe, non-invasive, non-abrasive treatment. It brings forth remarkable results.

How is the treatment administered?
A trained skin care specialist will follow a step-by-step treatment technique applying specific probes with specific lights covering skin areas to be treated. You will be overcome by a feeling of relaxation, light warmth and well-being.

How often is this treatment administered?
Normally, twice a week for three weeks, unless otherwise recommended by your skin care specialist.

How long is the Rejuvalight Treatment?
The full treatment has a 30 minute duration leaving you rested and your skin looking great.  

Do I need more treatments after the original series is completed?
Your skin care specialist, in accordance with your individual skin care conditions, will determine the number of treatments needed.

Do I need maintenance treatments?
Yes. Maintenance treatments are important in order to maintain your visible results. Usually a once a month treatment is recommended, unless otherwise determined by your skin care specialist.

How soon can I expect to visualize results?
The skin looks different after the first treatment - smoother, more hydrated with a natural radiant sheen.

Does the skin feel different?
Because the results commence from within the skin, the skin feels active, more alive, plump and tighter.

Caution: pregnant women, epileptic, cancer patients, abnormal lesions, steroid users or cortisone injections.
Licensed Practical Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses and Medical Aestheticians perform all procedures.